Prioritizing Brain Health for Employees through Continuous Learning

Employee wellness is increasingly a focus of employees and employers alike. One recent global survey found that 87% of organizations have a well-being initiative, an increase of over 25% since 2020. And many employers are experiencing the significant impact of employee well-being on overall productivity, job satisfaction, and healthcare costs. Companies are 17% more productive when employees receive the training they need (and want), a Gallup study found.

Often, healthcare organizations provide adequate, if not stellar, employee wellness programs, focusing on promoting healthy lifestyle choices, mental health support, coaching/mentoring, and programs like Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). But many organizations may still be missing out on a prime opportunity to improve overall employee wellness by prioritizing brain health through continuous learning.

In this article, we explore some of the overarching benefits of continuous learning, from neuroplasticity and cognitive health to employee retention and engagement, and provide some tips on how to incorporate continuous learning into your organization.

The Importance of Neurological Health and Lifelong Learning

Neurological health, or the overall well-being and performance of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, encompasses cognitive functions, emotional regulation, and physical coordination. In the workplace, brain health is critical, as it directly impacts an employee’s ability to perform tasks successfully, make decisions, manage stress, and interact with others. Promoting brain health can enhance productivity, creativity, and overall job satisfaction. It also has important effects on older demographics, prolonging workforce participation and reducing costs associated with chronic disease.

Prioritizing brain health can lead to a more engaged, resilient, and productive workforce.
Neurological Benefits

Continuous learning has copious benefits on brain function and cognitive well-being. By challenging the brain with new information and tasks, not only can employees improve memory, attention, problem-solving abilities, and overall mental agility, they can literally change the physical wiring of the brain. Neuroplasticity is the process that allows the brain to adapt and reorganize in response to new information or experiences. Stimulating neural pathways through new learning experiences means engaging in different activities or acquiring new knowledge that create connections between different parts of the brain. These new connections strengthen existing neural networks and create more efficient pathways for information processing and storage.

As healthcare and technology continue to change at rapid speeds, healthy cognitive flexibility and problem-solving skills have become essential tools to adapt to ever-evolving workplace demands. Cognitive flexibility is our ability to shift thinking and adapt to new information or circumstances effectively. Through continuous learning opportunities, employees can enhance cognitive flexibility, and overall cognitive health, by exposing themselves to diverse perspectives, new ideas, and alternative problem-solving approaches. As employees acquire new knowledge and skills through ongoing learning initiatives, they can apply these insights to analyze complex situations, identify innovative solutions, and make informed decisions. Promoting cognitive flexibility can simultaneously reduce cognitive fatigue and burnout.

Through continuous learning opportunities, employees can enhance cognitive flexibility, and overall cognitive health, by exposing themselves to diverse perspectives, new ideas, and alternative problem-solving approaches.

Continuous learning is especially critical to maintaining cognitive well-being as we age. Research suggests that lifelong learning can help reduce the risk of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Additionally, continuous learning cultivates a growth mindset, adaptability, and resilience, which are essential qualities in navigating an ever-changing healthcare environment. For example, in the June 2014 issue of Annals of Neurology, researchers found that speaking two or more languages, even if you learned the second language in adulthood, may slow age-related cognitive decline. By staying inquisitive, open-minded, and dedicated to learning, employees can enhance their professional development, career prospects, and personal fulfillment.

Workplace Benefits

Continuous learning enriches problem-solving abilities and decision-making by providing employees with new knowledge, perspectives, and tools to approach challenges effectively. Through ongoing education, skill development, and stories, employees can expand their problem-solving repertoire, allowing them to confront multifaceted issues with creativity and innovation. Continuous learning exposes employees to varied ideas and best practices, enabling them to consider a wider range of solutions and make better informed decisions. Employees who are committed to learning are more likely to adapt to change, think critically, and problem-solve creatively. This adaptability and agility are essential in today’s fast-paced and vigorous healthcare landscape.

Ensuring that employees have the knowledge and skills to do their daily tasks helps to reduce work related anxiety and burnout, thus improving performance, production and employee retention. A culture of continuous learning enables employees to stay updated on industry trends, best practices, and technological advancements, allowing them to perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively. Additionally, career enhancement education, meant to evolve an employee’s career advancement opportunities, can lead employees to be more invested in the overall success of their organization because they are more likely to feel valued by their organization. When employees feel valued and are provided with continuous learning opportunities, they are more likely to realize a clear path for career advancement within the organization, thus improving employee retention. In 2023, Intelliworx found that the average time to fill a healthcare position was 49 days, physician vacancies can cost $7,000-$9,000 per day, and physician recruiting fees can be up to 35% of the annual salary. Whereas, the average cost of training per learner was reported to be $954 per year according to the 2023 Training Industry Report.

A culture of continuous learning enables employees to stay updated on industry trends, best practices, and technological advancements, allowing them to perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively.

Continuous learning not only equips employees with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in their roles but also contributes to a culture of continuous improvement, innovation, and high performance within the workplace. When employees have access to ongoing learning and development opportunities, they feel valued and invested in by their organization. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and improvement in confidence and competence, as employees are more likely to feel challenged and fulfilled in their roles. Additionally, continuous learning fosters a culture of curiosity and innovation within the workplace. Employees who are given the space to learn and explore new ideas are more likely to supply fresh perspectives and creative solutions to challenges. This can lead to a more dynamic and forward-thinking work environment, where employees are motivated to collaborate, problem-solve, and drive positive change.

Continuous Learning Tips

Organizations can provide access to learning resources and opportunities in various ways to support the professional development of employees. Some successful avenues include:

  • Online Learning Platforms: Platforms like LinkedIn Learning, Coursera, or Udemy can allow employees to enhance their skills at their own pace.
  • In-House Training Programs: Developing in-house training programs customized to the specific needs of the organization and unique roles can provide employees with relevant and practical learning opportunities.
  • Mentorship Programs: Pairing employees with experienced mentors within the organization can facilitate knowledge sharing and skill development while also providing a safe space to discuss challenges impacting the employee and/or organization.
  • Educational Reimbursement: Providing financial support for employees to pursue further education, attend conferences, or obtain certifications can encourage continuous learning and helps employees feel valued.
  • Cross-Functional Training Opportunities: Offering opportunities for employees to learn new skills or gain experience in different departments can broaden their knowledge and capabilities. This can include job rotations, shadowing experiences, or cross-functional projects that allow employees to gain a more holistic understanding of the organization and develop new skills.
  • Career Development Paths: Create transparent career paths that outline the skills, experiences, and milestones essential for advancement within the organization. This helps employees understand the opportunities available to them and motivates them to pursue growth.
  • Lunch and Learn Sessions: Organizing informal learning sessions during lunch breaks where employees can share knowledge, discuss industry trends, or learn from guest speakers helps develop a collaborative and engaged culture while helping employees feel invested.
  • Library of Resources: Creating a library of books, articles, and other educational materials that employees can access for self-directed learning.
  • Recognition and Reward Programs: Develop programs to formally recognize employees who actively participate in career development and cross-functional learning opportunities. 
  • Performance Evaluations and Professional Development Plans: Work with employees to create custom development plans that outline their learning objectives, preferred learning styles, and timelines for achieving their goals. Regularly review and adjust these plans based on feedback and changing business needs. Encourage employees to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) learning goals. Incorporate learning results into performance evaluations by assessing the employee’s progress toward their learning goals and how this has impacted their job performance. Recognize and reward employees who demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning.
  • Feedback: Provide regular feedback on an employee’s learning progress and performance. This feedback should be constructive, timely, and focused on areas for improvement and growth.

One of Divurgent’s informal mottos – “paving the way for a healthier, happier tomorrow” – is rooted in our commitment to helping healthcare organizations improve wholistically, including through programs targeting neurological health and learning. We offer real-world experience in designing and managing continuous learning programs, implementing staffing strategy focused on employee wellness and productivity, and industry-leading change management frameworks that will ensure employee buy-in and the enduring success of new cognitive-health-focused programs. We’ve launched these programs in-house, iterated on them with several leading healthcare organizations across North America, and stand ready to share them with you.

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About the Author

Debi Smith | Training Manager

Debi is a seasoned and credible leader with a reputation for exceeding customer needs and positively impacting key performance indicators. She carries a unique background with over 10 years of experience bridging healthcare knowledge, data analytics, and quality and operational management together. To learn more about Debi, visit her on LinkedIn.

About Divurgent

At Divurgent, a healthcare IT solutions firm, we’re focused on what matters most to our client partners. We use data-infused, flexible, and scalable solutions that demonstrate and quantify real value. With a Team committed to IT evolution, we deploy tailored solutions that help our clients achieve operational effectiveness, improved financial performance, and quality experiences.