Streamline scheduling, reduce resource burden, and fast-track end-user system adoption – Divurgent takes the guesswork out of large-scale scheduling.

September 14, 2021 – Virginia Beach, VA – Divurgent, an international IT consulting company, announced today that they have released a Concierge Scheduling Application product that can be leveraged by health systems to improve physician and nurses ability to schedule 1:1 electronic health record (EHR) personalization sessions with the click of a button.
Whether your organization is in the midst of a large technology implementation, ongoing efforts to improve user satisfaction, or coordinating training amongst a large number of users, finding “what works” for everyone is a challenge we’ve all come up against. Divurgent’s Concierge Scheduling application uniquely solves the labor-intensive process of scheduling while creating new, innovative ways for organizations to improve end user adoption and satisfaction.
Divurgent’s Concierge Scheduling Tool has recently been used to schedule 2,000+ EHR personalization sessions for both physicians and nurses at large client associated with an Epic implementation.
“This tool has been instrumental in connecting physicians and nurses with trainers to fit with their schedules and drive the readiness for both doctors and nurses for their live use of Epic.“
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The product can be deployed with dedicated training resources or in an “Uber-like” model solution that matches personalization requests with Divurgent’s broad network of trainers – allowing organizations to only pay for the personalization that they use. The product also features custom branding and marketing, multiple integration points (LMS data, Email System, Calendars, and Collaboration Platforms like Zoom and Teams), and an administrative module. Additionally, the application scales to any size, can rapidly be set up, and importantly optimizes the matching of resources with custom defined criteria – the right people, the right places, and the right rooms and resources.